رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Regional code of practice for reduced-impact forest harvesting in tropical moist forests of West and Central Africa "

center : Agricultural Research, Education & Extension Organization (AREEO
Location and Call Number : 80
Material Type : Latin Book
Record Number : 18335968
Doc. No : ASDIC 85-196
Language of Document : English
Title & Author : Regional code of practice for reduced-impact forest harvesting in tropical moist forests of West and Central Africa/ [foreword by M. Wulf Killmann].
Publication Statement : Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2005.
Page. NO : xiii, 134 p.: ill. (some col.), maps
Notes : Includes bibliographical references.
: "TC/M/Y4864E/1/11.05/1200"--P. [4] of cover
Subject : Forest management -- Tropics
Subject : Sustainable forestry -- Tropics
Subject : Logging -- Environmental aspects -- Tropics
LC Classification : ‭SD538.3‬‭.T75R4513 2005‬
Added Entry : Esteve, Jean
: Killmann, Wulf
Added Entry : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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