رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" A colour atlas of diseases of lettuce and related salad crops: observation, biology and control "

center : Agricultural Research, Education & Extension Organization (AREEO
Location and Call Number : 23
Location and Call Number : 23
Material Type : Latin Book
Record Number : 18337048
Doc. No : ASDIC 88-80
Language of Document : English
Uniform Title : [Maladies des salades. English]
Main Entry : Blancard, Dominique
Title & Author : A colour atlas of diseases of lettuce and related salad crops: observation, biology and control/ Dominique Blancard, Herv Lot, Brigitte Maisonneuve; foreword and consultant editor for the English edition, Edward J. Ryder; translated from the French by Maggie Rosengarten
Publication Statement : London: Manson publishing, 2006.
Page. NO : 375 p.: ill. (chiefly col.).
ISBN : 1840760508
Notes : Spine title: Diseases of lettuce
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references (p. 370) and index
Subject : Lettuce -- Diseases and pests
LC Classification : ‭SB608‬‭.L45 2006‬
Added Entry : Ryder, Edward J.، 1929-
: Maisonneuve, Brigitte
: Lot, Herve
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موسسه تحقیقات ثبت و گواهی بذر و نهال کرج
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موسسه تحقيقات ثبت و گواهي بذر و نهال487‭SB 608 .L45 2006‬موجود‭‬
موسسه تحقيقات ثبت و گواهي بذر و نهال655‭SB 608‬ ‭.L45 2006‬موجود‭‬